By Dr Sandra Roberts

fraycollege, a leading training institution across Africa and Asia, is opening applications for the inaugural Occupational Certificate: Journalist accredited by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) which starts in January 2022.

The year-long-course, supported by the Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FP&M SETA), offers school leavers a practical certificate for a multiplatform communications environment with facilitation by experienced journalists and communicators.

“Journalism of the future needs communicators who understand the technological changes, the needs of their audiences and the essentials of the craft,” said fraycollege CEO Paula Fray.

“This certificate allows us to train storytellers across platforms with a focus on getting the basics right even as we prepare them for the ever-changing media landscape,” she added.

fraycollege is an institution based on ethical journalistic principles that is able to provide experience-informed training to the media sector.

“The final date for registering for existing Seta qualifications ends in 2023. The Journalism Certificate (no. 49123) will be replaced by the Occupational Certificate: Journalist (no. 101872).  Registering for the outdated journalism and media qualifications in 2022 will not give you the skills currently need in journalism and communications,” says fraycollege academic head, Sandra Roberts.

The Occupational Certificate: Journalist was developed under the guidance of the South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) and considers the practical needs of South African newsrooms.

“The occupational certificate model represents a huge leap forward for education in South Africa, ensuring the graduates have the practical skills they need for jobs.  This is why SANEF developed this certificate” says Sandra Roberts.

The institution continues to work closely with the South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) in order to meet the expanding needs of the sector and the business needs of media producers.

The Certificate is ideal for Matriculants seeking a career in journalism, advocacy and other communication fields with a focus on theoretical, practical and personal skills. It is useful for graduates that lack a proven track record in communications, too.

Bursaries, funded by the Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FP&M SETA), are available for a limited number of qualifying applicants.

Application are open until 15 December 2021 and registration takes place in January 2022.

fraycollege will present the training with online, eLearning and face to face learning sessions. The practical nature of the certificates means all students will finish the course with a portfolio of published written and audio-visual stories.

Organisations wishing to fund Citizen Journalists can contact  to explore packages.