people creating content

Ensure you are ready for the world where entrepreneurs to experts all need solid content skills. The application window is currently open for the Occupational Certificate: Journalist, only at specialist communications college, fraycollege.

This certificate replaces the old Journalism Certificate and was created by those who hire know content best– editors – specifically the South African National Editor’s Forum (SANEF) to address the skills needs in newsrooms.

Occupational Certificates are accredited by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) the governmental body set up to ensure the quality of occupational qualifications.

“This qualification gives matriculants the best, well-rounded start in a career in journalism or communications”, says Mamaponya Motsai, lead facilitator of the certificate at fraycollege.

“Not only do you learn about journalism and communication in principal, you get to practice. This means that all students will finish the course with a portfolio of published written and audio-visual stories.” said Motsai.

The nature of content creation has changed so much, that this is really the only up-to-date comprehensive level 5 (one year post matric) qualification.

“Registering for the outdated journalism and media qualifications in 2022 will not give you the skills currently needed in journalism and communications,” says fraycollege academic head, Sandra Roberts.

The Certificate is ideal for Matriculants seeking a career in journalism, advocacy and other communication fields with a focus on theoretical, practical and personal skills. It is useful for graduates that lack a proven track record in communications, too.

The South African economy has changed so that almost every person, going to any professional field needs communication skills. Entrepreneurs need websites, Facebook and WhatsApp sites to demonstrate their work, as do top experts.

Scientists need to be able to explain their work in a way that people can understand and apply to their lives.

“The saying that ‘content is king,’ has never been more true,” said Roberts, “more and more people need to create visual, written and audio content. It is the basis of growth in businesses and industries across the board.”

Nobody will waste either their money or their time completing this course. That’s the whole point of the QCTO, to ensure that people are ready for the workplace.

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