Following the Freedom of Information Day in March 2021 theme ‘Information as a Public Good’, fesmedia Africa and fraycollege are launching the ‘Right to Information in Africa’ eLearning courses to promote the public good in Africa.

The ‘Right to Information in Africa for Supply-side Actors’ eLearning course content was developed by international experts – Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) and the Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC). It aims to empower African government officials to navigate legislation and fulfil their mandate to promote information access in line with international commitments.

The course introduces participants to the right of access to information law otherwise known as ‘The Right to Information’ (RTI) and provides guidelines on information access. RTI is internationally recognised as a human right and is in every government departments’ interest to get right.

Access to information promotes an informed populace and citizen participation. It builds trust in government by undermining false information and disseminating facts, while combatting corruption and promoting effective and efficient governance. Providing access to information builds partnerships between citizens and government for the public good.

The course material includes videos, reading material, RTI resources, discussion forums and quizzes. The course is designed to be engaging and informative, allowing participants to actively engage with the material and apply lessons to deliver information.

The objectives of this course are to:

  1. Increase knowledge of the right to information;
  2. Develop participants’ capacity to make use of the right to information for their own purposes;
  3. Promote a better understanding of how the right to information is beneficial to both citizens and public authorities; and
  4. Help participants understand how they can contribute to better implementation of the right to information.

The four-week-long ‘Right of Access to Information in Africa for Supply-side Actors’ eLearning course is provided free of charge. The course has been developed to empower government officials in this critical function.

The eLearning course for government officials commences on September, 13 2021.

To register for the workshop and for more information please  go to: