A journalism qualification provides a basis for a career in journalism and many other professions that require writing. And there are many options for qualifications available. How do you know you are making the right choice?

The Occupational Certificate: Journalist was created by those who hire journalists – editors – specifically the South African National Editor’s Forum (SANEF) to address the skills needs in newsrooms.

The Occupational Certificate (OC), accredited by the QCTO, allows graduates to be work-ready, both for big media concerns, small companies and in government, where the need to communicate timeously with citizens is crucial. Having worked to develop it with SANEF to produce and pilot the qualification, fraycollege is ready to equip the journalists of tomorrow.

The new Journalism Certificate (Occupational Certificate: Journalist) provides an opportunity for learners to strengthen their skillset beyond just technical skills and also seeks to nurture both soft skills for journalists and the industry to cope and thrive in this new environment. Journalists that are able to do this are critical in protecting and promoting the constitutional rights of the citizens. Many of the skills to be gained from the qualification not only serve to meet the current challenges of the industry, but to create more resilience and innovation as technologies change.

The centre of learning experience is on the learning management system and with online lectures, together with individual coaching on news production. Learners come together for block weeks four times a year.

The course materials consist of written materials, videos, interactive activities, games, badges that mark achievement and quizzes to test concepts before learners can advance in the course.

Learners build their portfolios of evidence (PoEs) that are part of their final assessment and form evidence of their capacity to work as journalists.

Learners from 2022 have already published in mainstream media click here to read, watch and listen to some of their work.